DiViNE EViL Nevilinity's Releases: Shadowraze Wars v1.9b

Nevilinity's Releases

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Shadowraze Wars v1.9b

After some games of testing, I determined that Precision Razes were not worth their damage for being so hard to hit. So I increased the scaling damage rate of the raze.

Below is a table displaying this:

Level of SF, HP, Normal Raze Damage, Precision 'Z' Raze (200 Range), Precision 'X' Raze (450 Range), Precision 'C' Raze (700 Range)

01 400 110 160 170 180
02 450 120 170 190 210
03 500 130 180 210 240
04 550 140 240 230 270
05 600 150 250 250 300
06 650 160 260 270 330
07 700 170 270 290 360
08 750 180 280 310 390
09 800 190 290 330 420
10 850 200 250 350 450

Yes it will hurt. C Raze is hard to hit so it does more damage. Precision Razes now cost 23 gold instead.

Suggestions welcome.

<---- dl link
JLam posted this at 7:43 pm


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